What Are You Seeking?                                                                                                                                                                       (The Good and Beautiful God, Chapter 1)

 “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:29)

We are often pulled in so many directions that we lose sight of where we’re headed and which way we should turn. When we encounter Jesus, the first question he asks us is, “What are you looking for?” He then invites us to follow his way. He knows we are weary and restless, so he says, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” These words are not always easy to understand or embrace. In the first sermon of our series, The Good and Beautiful God, we are invited to reflect on how we can find rest for our souls in Christ by taking his yoke upon us.

Come and join us in Jonesville UMC Sunday Morning Service at 9:30am or meet us in the streaming service at Jonesvilleumc.org at the same time.

Blessings,                                                                                                                                                                                                            Youngjae


Every week at Jonesville UMC

Meet, Know, Grow in JESUS AT JUMC

Volunteers Needed

Please consider volunteering to usher. To sign up, click this link.

Reconciling Ministries Network

Jonesville UMC has been announced as the newest member of the Reconciling Ministries Network.  JUMC has joined 1,450 other reconciling ministries and part of 46,177 reconciling United Methodists spanning 5 countries.


JUMC Outreach Mission of the Month for January is:

FEASST (Family Emergency Assistance of Southern/Northern Saratoga County)

Emergency rental or utility assistance is available to those residents of Saratoga County who have received a notice of eviction, are at imminent risk of losing their housing, are literally homeless, or are facing a utility shutoff.  Please consider donating to FEASST on our website or by sending a check payable to Jonesville UMC to the Church Office with FEASST or “JanMoM” on the memo line.

Monetary donations

Please consider donating on our website or sending a check payable to Jonesville UMC to the church with “JanMoM” noted on the memo line. Donations are always needed.

Please bring your redeemable soda cans/bottles to Fellowship Hall to donate to the mission of the month. Remove the pop tops from the soda cans and save for Shriner’s Hospital. These little pop tops mount up to pounds of aluminum!

Thank you!

Thank you for participating in JUMC Outreach efforts. As you consider giving, be encouraged by reading the thank you letters we receive from those we support.

Click here to see the impact (updated) we are making in our community.

Read this week’s Midweek update:



Conference Communications: